I send an email every day, to an elite group of consenting humans. You can join those enlightened souls with just a click:

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The emails look like this:

What is a value proposition and why don’t you have one?

Great questions. In marketing, the value proposition is the promise that a product makes to its potential customers. Here are some examples:

“Organic, cold-pressed juice at home every day, at the push of a button” (Juicero, who clearly inspired the “just a click” language at the top of this page)

“You’re gonna love it” (vitaminwater)

“Sign up for tips to help you crush it in the crypto trading world!!” (Some crypto guy, probably)

As for why I don’t have one—two reasons. First, I’m sick to death of hearing them—aren’t you? And that includes hearing myself say them. Second, I don’t want to constrain myself. I contain multitudes (just like you), and it would be a shame to force those multitudes into a coherent niche, promise, and audience.

Daily emails? Like, every single day? Isn’t that a lot?


It’s a lot for me, but I’ve fashioned it into a morning ritual—first thing after waking up, I read through an inbox full of kind, inspiring replies, then send a message.

And it’s basically all I do—I don’t use any social media, I don’t make videos, record podcasts, or write blog posts.

No doubt it’s also a lot for you as a recipient. But my hope is that you’ll scan the subject lines, read occasionally, reply once in a while. Which is not a lot! At least compared with the blaring noise coming out of every social media app.

“No value proposition” doesn’t mean “no value” (I hope)

The email in the screenshot above led to a handful of nice people sharing their quests to learn about raising animals, growing food, navigating education for their kids … or just confessing that they feel like they should be doing more to prepare for the future but just didn’t have the budget or bandwidth.

Another email led to several folks sharing the music, videos, and writing they’re working on.

I like to think that to these people, the invitation to share, the act of sharing, and the warm reception to what they shared were all valuable. Or maybe it’s just nice to have a little guy who lives in your inbox.

“No value proposition” also means “hard to sell” and I’m not exactly painting these emails as irresistible. But you’re invited to join just the same, try it out, unsubscribe if you have regrets, etc. You know how this stuff works.

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