Work with a partner to improve some lousy code

If you attended class on #BioDay, you’ve already got a good start to this project. If not, please note that full credit requires some communication with your instructor – therefore, if you wait until the due date to start, you probably won’t finish it.

1) Find a partner. One of you should fork and clone this repository. Take a look at the Issues already open on this project. For points, you and your partner must both contribute toward resolving these problems.

2) Clone the forked repository to your machine. Sit down with your partner and use pair programming to fix at least one of the Issues. Add/commit/push your changes. Paste your partner’s name and the URL to your repository into Slack to get some early feedback.

3) Add your partner as a Collaborator on GitHub. (Settings -> Collaborators should do it.)

4) At this point, your partner should clone your forked repository to his/her machine. Now switch roles and continue pair programming. Fix at least one more Issue and add/commit/push. Paste your URL into Slack again for feedback.

5) Back on your own machine, you must type git pull to update your local repository to the latest version (including your partner’s changes). Continue working until you’ve corrected another Issue. Add/commit/push and paste your URL one last time into Slack.

To receive 3 points, your repository must: