Here’s a list of productized services I’ve offered (and occasionally sold).
- Website audit - Delivered via email + screencast. Sliding scale pricing (free - $700). Mostly well received but it kinda sucks that I end up not knowing whether people take my advice
- “3 meaningful improvements” email course - Delivered via email. Free / “buy my book.” This is a new offering, meant to solve the follow-through problem of the standalone audit, results TBD
- Coaching - A monthly Zoom call + email support. $300/month. Valuable to the right person at the right phase of their career but challenging to find that person :)
- Rent-a-CRO - Unlimited access to help with CRO/analytics questions delivered via email + screencast (no Zoom calls). I found it was underutilized by clients so I stopped doing it, felt bad to charge for work I wasn’t doing
- A/B test dev as a service - Pay $X for Y test implementations per month. I did this for a living for years! It’s not a bad way to structure that kind of work
- Digital Garden as a Service - A nice idea that nobody wants :)