This post was originally sent out as an email to my now-defunct mailing list. You can read all such posts here, if you like.

There are tons of stories about consumer apps that started out with a small niche market.

Facebook was for Harvard students.

​Google was for Stanford students and researchers.

​Nextdoor started in a single neighborhood.

​Instagram was a photo sharing app for whiskey enthusiasts.

​But in B2B-land, the story seems most often to be “incubator > funding > beta users from your network > start scaling.”

I’m curious about counterexamples to this narrative.

The ask

If you sell to businesses, whether it’s software or services - whether you’re a SaaS founder/marketer or a freelancer of any stripe - I’m interested in how you’re finding customers and how you’re growing. Interested enough that I’m literally researching for a book on the topic 😅

So if you can spare 20 minutes, let’s talk about it! You can book a time here.